I worked as a Social Worker for 25 years before I retired due to ill health. ‘It’s a job which is challenging, yet brings moments of great joy and reward. Where else could you help an abused youngster find a forever family, help a perpetrator learn new life skills, help a runaway teenager to a more settled future?’ Now I write fiction based on my years in both child protection and mental health. Read about my work and see the passion I still have for my job.
I knew from a young age I wanted to work in the caring professions. I was ill quite a lot as a child and spent weeks in hospital. In those days they used to keep you in for observation, but that doesn’t happen anymore. I loved being in hospital, I loved the caring atmosphere and lapped up any medical information. I used to read a lot too. Coupled with the time I spent at my grandmother’s house and with family in Scotland these were the happiest times of my childhood.
My Career
Years in Nursing
Years in Social Work
Years Writing
Many of my books are about social work in some way, but I do occasionally write books with my mother. ‘Meant for Each Other,’ is one of these. I wrote it when mum was poorly, she had some great plot ideas and it was published by D.C.Thomson of Dundee in their pocket novel series. I write these books using my mother’s name, Margaret. It’s also my middle name so it’s especially appropriate. I use my ordinary name, Lynne Pardoe, for my social work books.